Molyvos Weather Station

Current Weather Conditions

Last Updated on Sat 15 February 2025 at 22:40 EET

Molyvos Weather Camera

 Current Conditions
Temperature 9.9°C / 49.9°F
Feels like 9.3°C / 48.8°F
Dewpoint 8.7°C
Humidity 92%
Barometer 1015.1 hPa
Barometer Trend (3 Hours) 0.2 hPa
Wind 1 km/h from NE
Last Rain Today at 13:25
UV Index (see below) 0.0
Solar Radiation 0 W/m²


 Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
13.1°C at 10:15
9.3°C at 21:38
High "Feels Like"
Low "Feels Like"
13.4°C at 10:16
5.7°C at 04:59
High Humidity
Low Humidity
94% at 13:37
85% at 10:27
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
11.1°C at 10:15
7.8°C at 21:38
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1016.7 hPa at 11:03
1014.5 hPa at 05:17
Today's Rain 33.6 mm
High Rain Rate 81.2 mm/hr at 11:02
High Wind 24 km/h from S at 04:59
Average Wind 3 km/h
High UV Index 0.9 at 13:33
High Radiation 323 W/m² at 13:32
Hours of daylight10:45
Hours of sunshine01:10

 30 Day Sunshine Record

 UV Index - stay safe in the sun.

The sun has set.

Blues Brothers

Wear sunglasses and hat only if you are going to a "Blues Brothers" party!
The sun is not up, so it is safe for vampires to be out.

About Molyvos Weather Station:
Latitude: 39° 22.13' N, Longitude: 26° 11.53' E
Altitude: 42 meters

We are using a Davis Vantage Pro Plus weather station, controlled by WeeWX v3.8.0 software running on a Raspberry Pi.

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Today's Almanac
Sunrise: 07:06
Transit: 12:29
Sunset: 17:52
Equinox: 20 March at 11:01
Solstice: 21 June at 05:42
Rise: 20:49
Transit: 02:13
Set: 08:26
Next New moon: 28 February at 02:44
Next Full moon: 14 March at 08:54
Phase: Waning gibbous (90% full)

Temperature Humidity Hourly Rain Rate Barometer Wind Speed Wind Direction UV Index Radiation